WooPricely - Dynamic Pricing & Discounts

WooPricely - Dynamic Pricing & Discounts v1.3.3

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Download Free WooPricely - Dynamic Pricing & Discounts Nulled CodeCanyon 23844181
is a multi-purpose pricing and discount toolkit for WooCommerce stores. The plugin allows you automate product pricing, simple discount pricing, bulk pricing, tiered pricing, buy x get x pricing, buy x get y pricing, group pricing, cart discounts and cart fees by defining rules and conditions. These features are grouped into four easy to use modules, the modules includes Product Pricing, Checkout Pricing, Checkout Discounts, and Checkout Fees

This highly flexible and easy to use plugin can be used to implement marketing strategies such as special offers, royalty programs, special promotions, flash sales, black Friday, Christmas Special offer, lifetime customers pricing , conditional pricing, membership pricing , wholesale pricing etc… allowing you to sell more and attract more customers to your store.

Product Pricing Module
Product pricing
modules allows you to apply regular or sales price adjustment based on rules and conditions. This module can used for a variety of product pricing strategies such as wholesale pricing, membership pricing, role base pricing… etc. the module can apply regular price, sale price or regular/sale price.

Regular Price Adjustment
Adjusts products regular prices based on the pricing rule

Sale Price Adjustment
Adjusts products sales prices based on the pricing rule

Regular/Sale Price Adjustment
Adjusts products regular and sales prices based on the pricing rule

Checkout Pricing Module
Checkout pricing
module allows you to apply discount pricing on products added to the cart based on rules and conditions. This module implements a variety of discount pricing strategies such as simple discount pricing, bulk discount pricing, tiered discount pricing, buy x get x discount pricing, buy x get y discount pricing, group discount pricing… etc. In addition to many other features, the module also implements volume metric tables and countdown timer.

Simple Discount Pricing
Applies simple discount pricing products added to cart based on pricing rules.

Bulk Discount Pricing
Applies bulk discount pricing products added to cart based on pricing rules and quantity in cart.

Tiered Discount Pricing
Applies tiered discount pricing products added to cart based on pricing rules and quantity in cart.

Group Discount Pricing
Applies group discount pricing products added to cart based on pricing rules and quantity in cart.

Buy x Get x Discount Pricing
Applies buy x get x discount pricing products added to cart based on pricing rules and quantity in cart.

Buy x Get y Discount Pricing
Applies buy x get y discount pricing products added to cart based on pricing rules and quantity in cart.
First release
Last update
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